About Us.

Ologybuttons, Inc. is a supplier for garment manufactures around the world, fabric stores all over the country, and some of the biggest and most innovative names in Fashion Design. Whether you’re looking for something simple and sporty for a golf shirt, or ornate and elegant for ball gown, look no further for the right button, clasp, snap or buckle. Ologybuttonsinc features the largest catalogues of Eco-Friendly buttons, Fancy Metal buttons and accessories, and Natural buttons made from real shell and horn.

Customize your buttons how you want! Add your custom logo to the face of each button, or dye up your buttons into custom colorways. Review button samples in your home or office before approving them to be shipped to your Contractor halfway around the world. Speak to a Buttonologist during every step of your journey, so you know that the clothes that you’re making will never be without the perfect button.

Discover new possibilities in our regularly-updated Blog Posts, or schedule an appointment to visit our Showroom in person, in Manhattan’s Garment Center.